Sports Information Traders News Policies and Standards

Mission statement

The mission of Sports Information Traders News Site is to guide readers and visitors about the latest news in the sports and betting world. With statistical reports and late breaking news stories leaked here we take pride in delivering ethical and honest reports for all of the major sports around the world.

Ethics policy

Conflict of Interest

The Sports Information Traders News reporters, journalists, and staff avoids conflicts of interest wherever and whenever possible. If the content is published where a conflict of interest might exist, the content will include a disclaimer from our writers and team.

All of the Sports Information Traders News editors strive for fairness in their reporting. Fairness in our reporting means:

  • never intentionally excluding important facts or misleading the public.
  • including all relevant information that we have researched.
  • never intentionally deceiving the reader.

Opinion and Op-Ed Pieces

All “op-ed” stories will be clearly labeled as such and anybody is welcome to submit an opinion piece for publication. Occasionally, an editor may provide their opinion at the end of a story. When and if that occurs, it will be clearly labeled as the editor’s opinion through a sub-heading like, “Sports Information Traders feedback on the Opinion Piece or alluding to the “Authors Opinion”

Verification and fact-checking standards

Sports Information Traders Betting News editors and staff will always consider the source of information they write about it. They will make their best effort to report on facts from sources they deem credible.

Ownership structure

Sports Information Traders is owned by Jon Price, the founder of Sports Information Traders founded in 2013.

Corrections policy

The Editors and staff of Sports Information Traders news desk will correct errors made in its stories as quickly as possible as soon as they’re detected. Depending on the severity of the correction, the correction may be a small edit to the story or may include an editor’s note explaining the correction. In rare cases, if the subject matter of the article is found to be erroneous, we may unpublish the article and alert our readers in an effort for having full transparency, honesty, and ethics with our readers, subscribers, and supporters.

Policy on sources

The Sports Information Traders News Desk will always strive to include the name of sources for the information we publish with full transparency. Editors prefer to not use confidential sources but may do so if the information is credible, important for the readers, and may adversely affect the livelihood of the source. If it’s for the protection of a source our editors may protect the identity of confidential sources as long as it’s in the legal limits of the law in regards to the legal rights of the editor (reporter) and the confidential source.


The Sports Information Traders News desk will provide attribution through names, links, and other means to inform the reader about the source of information used in an article.

Ways to contact The Sports Information Traders News Desk

Letters to the editor can be sent to or to Letters to the Editor, or to our Beverly Hills, California address listed below. Please note if your letter is not guaranteed to be published and we may not notify you before publication.

Letters selected by editors may appear online. Questions can be emailed to the reader representative at

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